4,809 research outputs found

    Towards the Unification of Gravity and other Interactions: What has been Missed?

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    Faced with the persisting problem of the unification of gravity with other fundamental interactions we investigate the possibility of a new paradigm, according to which the basic space of physics is a multidimensional space C{\cal C} associated with matter configurations. We consider general relativity in C{\cal C}. In spacetime, which is a 4-dimensional subspace of C{\cal C}, we have not only the 4-dimensional gravity, but also other interactions, just as in Kaluza-Klein theories. We then consider a finite dimensional description of extended objects in terms of the center of mass, area, and volume degrees of freedom, which altogether form a 16-dimensional manifold whose tangent space at any point is Clifford algebra Cl(1,3). The latter algebra is very promising for the unification, and it provides description of fermions.Comment: 11 pages; Talk presented at "First Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Quantum Gravity", Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 14-18 September 200

    The geometry of the Barbour-Bertotti theories II. The three body problem

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    We present a geometric approach to the three-body problem in the non-relativistic context of the Barbour-Bertotti theories. The Riemannian metric characterizing the dynamics is analyzed in detail in terms of the relative separations. Consequences of a conformal symmetry are exploited and the sectional curvatures of geometrically preferred surfaces are computed. The geodesic motions are integrated. Line configurations, which lead to curvature singularities for N3N\neq 3, are investigated. None of the independent scalars formed from the metric and curvature tensor diverges there.Comment: 16 pages, 2 eps figures, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The geometry of the Barbour-Bertotti theories I. The reduction process

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    The dynamics of N3N\geq 3 interacting particles is investigated in the non-relativistic context of the Barbour-Bertotti theories. The reduction process on this constrained system yields a Lagrangian in the form of a Riemannian line element. The involved metric, degenerate in the flat configuration space, is the first fundamental form of the space of orbits of translations and rotations (the Leibniz group). The Riemann tensor and the scalar curvature are computed by a generalized Gauss formula in terms of the vorticity tensors of generators of the rotations. The curvature scalar is further given in terms of the principal moments of inertia of the system. Line configurations are singular for N3N\neq 3. A comparison with similar methods in molecular dynamics is traced.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Chiral Symmetry Restoration and Realisation of the Goldstone Mechanism in the U(1) Gross-Neveu Model at Non-Zero Chemical Potential

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    We simulate the Gross-Neveu model in 2+1 dimensions at nonzero baryon density (chemical potential mu =/= 0). It is possible to formulate this model with a real action and therefore to perform standard hybrid Monte Carlo simulations with mu =/= 0 in the functional measure. We compare the physical observables from these simulations with simulations using the Glasgow method where the value of mu in the functional measure is fixed at a value mu_upd. We find that the observables are sensitive to the choice of mu_upd. We consider the implications of our findings for Glasgow method QCD simulations at mu =/= 0. We demonstrate that the realisation of the Goldstone mechanism in the Gross-Neveu model is fundamentally different from that in QCD. We find that this difference explains why there is an unphysical transition in QCD simulations at mu =/= 0 associated with the pion mass scale whereas the transition in the Gross-Neveu model occurs at a larger mass scale and is therefore consistent with theoretical predictions. We note classes of theories which are exceptions to the Vafa-Witten theorem which permit the possibility of formation of baryon number violating diquark condensates.Comment: 28 pages RevTe

    Triangleland. I. Classical dynamics with exchange of relative angular momentum

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    In Euclidean relational particle mechanics, only relative times, relative angles and relative separations are meaningful. Barbour--Bertotti (1982) theory is of this form and can be viewed as a recovery of (a portion of) Newtonian mechanics from relational premises. This is of interest in the absolute versus relative motion debate and also shares a number of features with the geometrodynamical formulation of general relativity, making it suitable for some modelling of the problem of time in quantum gravity. I also study similarity relational particle mechanics (`dynamics of pure shape'), in which only relative times, relative angles and {\sl ratios of} relative separations are meaningful. This I consider firstly as it is simpler, particularly in 1 and 2 d, for which the configuration space geometry turns out to be well-known, e.g. S^2 for the `triangleland' (3-particle) case that I consider in detail. Secondly, the similarity model occurs as a sub-model within the Euclidean model: that admits a shape--scale split. For harmonic oscillator like potentials, similarity triangleland model turns out to have the same mathematics as a family of rigid rotor problems, while the Euclidean case turns out to have parallels with the Kepler--Coulomb problem in spherical and parabolic coordinates. Previous work on relational mechanics covered cases where the constituent subsystems do not exchange relative angular momentum, which is a simplifying (but in some ways undesirable) feature paralleling centrality in ordinary mechanics. In this paper I lift this restriction. In each case I reduce the relational problem to a standard one, thus obtain various exact, asymptotic and numerical solutions, and then recast these into the original mechanical variables for physical interpretation.Comment: Journal Reference added, minor updates to References and Figure

    Covariant quantization of membrane dynamics

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    A Lorentz covariant quantization of membrane dynamics is defined, which also leaves unbroken the full three dimensional diffeomorphism invariance of the membrane. Among the applications studied are the reduction to string theory, which may be understood in terms of the phase space and constraints, and the interpretation of physical,zero-energy states. A matrix regularization is defined as in the light cone gauged fixed theory but there are difficulties implementing all the gauge symmetries. The problem involves the non-area-preserving diffeomorphisms which are realized non-linearly in the classical theory. In the quantum theory they do not seem to have a consistent implementation for finite N. Finally, an approach to a genuinely background independent formulation of matrix dynamics is briefly described.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, no figure

    Einstein gravity as a 3D conformally invariant theory

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    We give an alternative description of the physical content of general relativity that does not require a Lorentz invariant spacetime. Instead, we find that gravity admits a dual description in terms of a theory where local size is irrelevant. The dual theory is invariant under foliation preserving 3-diffeomorphisms and 3D conformal transformations that preserve the 3-volume (for the spatially compact case). Locally, this symmetry is identical to that of Horava-Lifshitz gravity in the high energy limit but our theory is equivalent to Einstein gravity. Specifically, we find that the solutions of general relativity, in a gauge where the spatial hypersurfaces have constant mean extrinsic curvature, can be mapped to solutions of a particular gauge fixing of the dual theory. Moreover, this duality is not accidental. We provide a general geometric picture for our procedure that allows us to trade foliation invariance for conformal invariance. The dual theory provides a new proposal for the theory space of quantum gravity.Comment: 27 pages. Published version (minor changes and corrections

    New interpretation of variational principles for gauge theories. I. Cyclic coordinate alternative to ADM split

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    I show how there is an ambiguity in how one treats auxiliary variables in gauge theories including general relativity cast as 3 + 1 geometrodynamics. Auxiliary variables may be treated pre-variationally as multiplier coordinates or as the velocities corresponding to cyclic coordinates. The latter treatment works through the physical meaninglessness of auxiliary variables' values applying also to the end points (or end spatial hypersurfaces) of the variation, so that these are free rather than fixed. [This is also known as variation with natural boundary conditions.] Further principles of dynamics workings such as Routhian reduction and the Dirac procedure are shown to have parallel counterparts for this new formalism. One advantage of the new scheme is that the corresponding actions are more manifestly relational. While the electric potential is usually regarded as a multiplier coordinate and Arnowitt, Deser and Misner have regarded the lapse and shift likewise, this paper's scheme considers new {\it flux}, {\it instant} and {\it grid} variables whose corresponding velocities are, respectively, the abovementioned previously used variables. This paper's way of thinking about gauge theory furthermore admits interesting generalizations, which shall be provided in a second paper.Comment: 11 page

    Results on Finite Density QCD

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    A brief summary of the formulation of QCD at finite chemical potental, μ\mu, is presented. The failure of the quenched approximation to the problem is reviewed. Results are presented for dynamical simulations of the theory at strong and intermediate couplings. We find that the problems associated with the quenched theory persist: the onset of non-zero quark number does seem to occur at a chemical potential mπ2\approx { {m_{\pi}} \over 2}. However analysis of the Lee-Yang zeros of the grand canonical partition function in the complex fugacity plane, (eμ/Te^{\mu/T}), does show signals of critical behaviour in the expected region of chemical potential. Results are presented for a simulation at finite density of the Gross-Neveu model on a 16316^3 lattice near to the chiral limit. Contrary to our simulations of QCD no pathologies were found when μ\mu passed through the value m_{\pi}/2}.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 18 eps figures, Review for Tsukuba worksho

    Alien Registration- Elliott, Lola B. (Bath, Sagadahoc County)

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